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Director, Glasgow

Alan O'Rourke, CEng, BEng (Hons), LLM, MCIBSE, LCEA

Alan is a Board Director and is jointly responsible for our Glasgow Office undertaking the lead Director role on major projects.

Alan graduated with a degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, joining Hulley & Kirkwood in 2000 where he continued to develop his inter-disciplinary technical design skills. Alan also gained a post-graduate Masters in Construction Law and has acted as an Expert Witness and served clients in adjudication.

He has a strong and pragmatic approach to decision making which is built on his background in both mechanical and electrical engineering design on major projects.

 Alan has a broad range of experience having worked in both our Birmingham and Glasgow offices, leading projects covering a wide range of sectors, including Education, Healthcare and Commercial. In addition, Alan is responsible for our Defence portfolio and has a wealth of experience across the sector.

Alan ORourke

Director Glasgow

Tel 0141 332 5466


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I believe that getting the brief right and then applying creative and challenging design is key to the success of any project. Design what can be built, commission it well and, ultimately, deliver buildings and developments that achieve what they were set out to achieve.

Designed & Built by Mucky Puddle