Employed directly to The Robertson Trust, Hulley & Kirkwood were appointed to carry out the full M&E design in order to develop 3 No. existing derelict buildings from a base state to full fit-out and operation as a multi-tenancy charitable hub.
Providing offices for charities, the French Barracks are among the first public buildings in Forthside to be connected to Stirling Council’s low-carbon district heating network, which captures heat from waste water at a local treatment plant.
Early engagement with the council's DH designers was critical to specifying the plate heat exchangers for each of the blocks. On the building's secondary side, low grade hot water is pumped to thermostatically controlled, fan assisted radiators throughout. Tenant areas are provided with heat meters and local stats for energy monitoring and billing purposes.
M&E services provided for the landlord included building security (CCTV/IDS), flexible IT infrastructure and local server rooms, Wi-Fi network coverage, a networked fire alarm package and an access control system. A bespoke centralised room booking system is also provided to manage internal staff as well as public use of meeting rooms – an important aspect of the barracks business case.
The flagship block, the French Barracks, boasts a large open plan foyer and a double height gallery above the reception area, as well as hot desk offices, cyclist changing, a ground floor café and various casual break out spaces.
The 1st floor conference room has capacity for over 200 people and is fitted out with a fully integrated audio/visual suite. Ceiling cassettes provide supplementary cooling, whilst a heat recovery air handler is mounted within a fan deck in the gable end of the building to provide fresh air to the space.
Complete design and fit out of 3 unused 18th Century barracks stores.
High quality, functional offices, meeting rooms and staff facilities, café and conference facilities.

Throughout the process Hulley & Kirkwood have been a key part of the project team. Unlike other M&E consultants they explain the technical requirements clearly giving a greater understanding from a client perspective of why decisions are being made.
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Designed & Built by Mucky Puddle